About Your Best Image
Principal Profile
Gregory Day, President and Hairstylist of Your Best Image Salon, has accumulated twenty seven years of barbering and hairstyling, twenty five years of SisterlocksTM haircare, and fifteen years of salon ownership and management. As the first hairstylist to provide SisterlocksTM haircare in Austin Texas, his haircare opinions have appeared in The Austin Villager, NOKOA The Observer, The Austin American Statesman, Carleton College VOICE, and on KAZI's(88.7 FM) morning radio shows RISE, SOUL VIBRATION, and HEALTH TALK.
Your Best Image Inc. exists to design and offer hairstyles, eyelashes, and makeup best flattering every client’s facial features.
Your Best Image Inc. envisages:
- Everyone wearing the most face and image-flattering hairstyles, makeup, and eyelashes
- Everyone educated about the harm in applying relaxers and curly perms to natural, coily hair
- Every Black women proudly choosing only to wear well-groomed Afros, SisterlocksTM, and bald heads
- Every parent or guardian of Black children demonstrating comfort and proficiency in grooming natural, coily hair.
Click for interior images of Your Best Image salon